Your best choice is also the healthiest choice: always consider your healthiest and most sustainable choice. Have you already seen the roadmap on our sustainability page?

Your best choice is also the healthiest choice: always consider your healthiest and most sustainable choice. Have you already seen the roadmap on our sustainability page?
Do you live near Omnisport? Then consider coming to the EK on foot. This way you are never stuck in traffic and parking is not a problem either. Check the map to see how to get to the entrance the quickest.
Are you live nearby and can you come with the (electric) bike to Omnisport, consider this certainly. There is in fact in cooperation with the municipality of Apeldoorn a secure bicycle parking as you know it from the center of Apeldoorn also applies here ''fiets m erin''. Shortly before the EC we will announce the unique extras that you as a visitor on the bike can expect. It is worth it!
The accommodation is also easily accessible by train and bus. From Station Apeldoorn Centraal, it is possible to reach Omnisport by ov-bike within about 10 minutes. You reach Omnisport Apeldoorn via the smaller stations from Station Osseveld on foot in about 10 minutes and Station de Maten in about 2 minutes. View the smaller stations on the map here. The Omnisport bus stop is about an 8-minute walk away from Omnisport Apeldoorn.
Are you coming by car despite all the better choices? Make sure your car is at least fully loaded. Do you have a spare seat for a known or unknown guest? Then sign up via our Slinger widget on the website, so your ride to the European Championships will at least be with a full car. If you would travel alone, you can also choose to join someone else's car and make use of an offered ride, nice and sustainable.
Parking is available at Omnisport Apeldoorn. Follow the signs (P) to reach the parking spots.